Exciting News for Affiliate Managers: Effortless Sub-Affiliate Management Ahead!

👀 What’s New?

  • No purchase necessary: Previously, customers had to make a purchase to become a sub-affiliate. Now, it's much easier to add a Sub-Affiliate.
  • Streamlined process: Adding and removing sub-affiliates now requires just two clicks, making it faster and more efficient.
  • Direct addition option: Users can now add a Sub-Affiliate directly if they're not already present on the platform as well.

👷 How It Works:

  1. Navigate to the Affiliate page in Affiliate Manager.
  2. Select the Affiliate and scroll down to the Sub-Affiliate tab.
  3. Click "Add -"Sub-Affiliate" and choose the campaign.
  4. From the "New Sub-Affiliate" List, click to add.
  5. Remove existing sub-affiliates if needed.
  6. Add new profiles directly if not present.
  7. Save your changes.


🌟 Why it Matters:

  • Simplified process: 
    Our improved flow makes it easier for users to manage sub-affiliates, saving time and effort.
  • Greater flexibility: 
    With the option to add sub-affiliates directly and without a purchase requirement, users have more control over their affiliate campaigns.
  • Enhanced efficiency: 
    The streamlined process ensures a smoother experience, allowing users to focus on maximising their affiliate program's performance.