We’re excited to announce and add an exciting new feature to our Email Builder tool: the addition of a “Preview in Browser” link. With this update, users now have the ability to include a preview link in their email campaigns, ensuring consistent rendering across various email clients.

Problem Statement:

Emails may appear differently across various email clients, leading to inconsistent user experiences and potential loss of campaign effectiveness.

What we did: 🚀🚀

Users can now easily include a “Preview in Browser” link to accurately represent the email design, to their new and existing campaigns.

How to Add:👷

Default Inclusion: All blank email templates will now include the “Preview in Browser” link at the top by default.
Manual Addition to existing campaigns/ templates:
  • Navigate to email marketing and open any campaign/template.
  • Add the element - Preview URL.

  • Customize the text styling/formatting by editing or using the add link option

How to test it? 🤔

  1. You can preview the email and click on the preview link to view the browser version of the document


  1. You can also send a test email and click on the view in browser link.

Note: If under the settings, agency or location has provided API Domain, it will be used by default in the preview URL adhering to guidelines.