About this enhancement:

This enhancement enables users to redirect IVR calls to the Freedomkit web app and mobile app, which was previously not an option.

What problem is it solving?

Currently users can only receive IVR calls via phone number
This update allows workflow owners the flexibility and control to route inbound IVR calls to either phone numbers or the FreedomKit app (accessible on both web and mobile), which was previously unavailable.

With this enhancement we are solving for

Increased flexibility for staff: Allows staff members to receive inbound IVR calls through both the app or their phone numbers.

Enhanced User Experience: Prevents inbound IVR calls from being directed to the carrier's voicemail, ensuring conversations are not missed.

How to Use?

  • Go to Settings -> My staff
  • Click on Edit and go to "Call & Voicemail Settings" section.
  • Select from a set of options in the "Default channel for IVR"
  • Web app - Route IVR calls on FreedomKit web app
  • Mobile app - Route IVR calls on FreedomKit mobile app
  • Phone number - Route IVR calls to phone number