Introducing Course Notifications!
  • Stay connected with Comments: You'll now receive notifications whenever someone comments on a course or replies to a comment, keeping you connected and facilitating smoother interactions within the learning community.
  • Unlocked Content: No more missing out! You'll be promptly notified when a previously locked post or category becomes accessible, ensuring you're always informed and ready to explore new content.
  • Timely Access to Drip Content: Say goodbye to guesswork! Receive notifications when drip content becomes available in your courses, allowing you to access the latest content when it's released.
  • Enabling Instructors Interaction: Instructors will now receive notifications for learner comments, fostering better communication between them and learners.
UI Enhancements :
  • Common Client portal Navbar Integration: Integrated single Navbar component across all the child apps within client portal to enhance the portal experience.
Bug Fixes:
  • Category Post Tree Fix
  • Hotfix for course exporter
  • Layout changes for Classic and Neue theme