This guide will help you transition from WordPress to Freedomkit in 3 easy steps.


Step 1: Create A "Staging" domain


Please refer to this article to create a subdomain and point it to Freedomkit.

Also, if you're unsure whether a Freedomkit site is right for you, please review this quick discussion on the pros and cons of WordPress vs Freedomkit.

Step 2: Move Your Pages & Post Content

This is where 99% of your time will be spent in migrating content. I'll show you some tips and tricks to make the process as painless as possible.

Step 2A: Move Your Pages

Key Notes

  • Use Global Sections for Headers, Footers, and other sections that you want to stay in sync throughout your website
  • Don't forget to upload your images to the new site
  • Follow our SEO Meta Guidelines to improve your SEO score for each page
  • Reference this quick start guide for more in depth building guides


Step 2B: Move Your Blog Posts

Key Notes

  • Copy and paste is your friend here
  • Be sure to scroll through the original and the new article to look for any incompatibilities that need handling
  • Images: Download the images from your original post and upload them to the media gallery in Freedomkit
  • Videos: Be sure to copy the link and add the video element to Freedomkit


Step 3: Review Your New Site

Key Notes

  • Ensure your links are working, website loads and performs well using your staging area
  • Once you move past this step, it will be more difficult to access your old website, so be ready to leave it behind
  • Also check for .PDFs or other files stored in your media library before you complete the migration



Step 4: Move Your Primary Domain to Freedomkit

Key Notes:

  • Be sure to remove the old DNS records before adding new ones, or else your domain will not know where to point visitors to
  • When in doubt, reach out to your Domain support to ensure the records are added properly.
  • Want to use our one-click integrations? Follow this tutorial and you'll never have to add a record manually again.



Step 5: Cancel Your Hosting Bill 🎉


Key Notes

  • Congratulations your website is moved over successfully!
  • Double check if you are using any other services from your host before you cancel your bill
    • Email Hosting?
    • CDN / Security?
  • Cancel your hosting account and enjoy an easier, faster, simpler, and more cost affordable website solution!