In this article, you will learn how and how you can customize your membership settings. 

Part 1: Where to edit

  • To edit your settings: 
  • Go to Sites > Memberships > Settings
    • Site Details: Control the branding and the SEO settings of your Sites
    • Custom Domains: Setup your custom domain n your membership sites
    • Email Settings: Customise your email settings
    • App Settings: Customise the experience of desktop and mobile progressive apps

Part 2: What to edit

  • On the Site Details section: 
    • Title
    • Subdomain
    • Support email
    • Support Phone Number
    • User Magic Link - This is for you or your users, to send you directly to the membership
    • Learner Magic Link - This is for your contacts, you can send this in an email through workflow or conversation
    • Branding: You can edit the logo, and the Favicon here too. 

Note: The magic link will send them straight to their membership without having to create a password first. 

Connect Existing Domain

  • Enter the domain you want to connect to here

Email Settings 

  • Send Welcome Email: You can select the default template or use one of your own. You can turn this feature on or off. 
  • Send Drip Email: Send them an email when a new category is available. You can use the default one or one made by you. You can turn this on or off. 
  • Send Offer Access Email: You can send them an email when the offer access is provided. You can use a default template or use your own. You can turn this feature on or off. 

App Settings: You can edit the name of your app, and give it a short name and a description. Also, add an app icon. You can also select the app colors.