In this article, you will learn more about the Custom Elements in the Site Builder. 

These elements can help you customize your site more and make it unique. Here’s a list of the custom elements that you can choose from. 

Custom JS/HTML: Adding a Custom JavaScript/HTML element will be helpful for including scheduling software and other tools in your funnel page. 

To use this element: 

  • Click and drag this element to the column where you want it. 
  • Click on the element to open the menu settings on the left
  • Click on Open Code Editor and add your code

Note: Due to the varied nature of coding, we don't troubleshoot or edit custom code.

Survey: This element will allow you to select from the drop-down menu what survey you want to show on this page. 

To use this element: 

  • Click, drag, and drop this element in the column you want it to be
  • Select from the drop-down menu, which forms you want to use
  • Save

Note: You will need to have created a survey first. 

Calendar: With this element, you can select which calendar to show up on your page. 

To use this element: 

  • Click, drag, and drop this element into the desired column
  • Click on the element, and select from the drop-down menu which calendar you want to select
  • Save

Note: You will need to have a calendar created first

Map: This element will help you add a map to your site that has a pin in your address. 

To use this element: 

  • Click, drag, and drop this element into the desired column
  • Click on the element to open the menu settings on the left
  • Click on Open Search Box
  • Search for your address, check that the pin is in the right place and adjust if needed, and save. 
  • Save the change on your page again

SVG: This stands for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which is a web-friendly vector file format. This stores images via mathematical formulas based on points and lines on a grid.

To use this element: 

  • Click, drag, and drop this element into the desired column
  • Click on the element to open the menu on the left
  • You can edit the colors in your SVG file by adding your own. 

Note: Your file must be in SVG format. 

Reviews: This element will be helpful to show the reviews your leads have given you. 

To use this element: 

  • Click, drag, and drop this element into the desired column
  • All the reviews you have will appear here once you are previewing your page or checking it on live mode