We've just added two new filters under Contacts that make finding the right contacts a breeze!
1. Last Email Clicked Date:
Reach out to contacts who recently clicked on your emails
2. Last Email Opened Date:
Find contacts who've opened your emails recently
We've made it super simple to fine-tune your search:
Is Empty / Is not Empty:
Find contacts with or without activity.
More than / Less than:
Set a timeframe that suits you.
Range / This month / in month:
Customize your search based on dates.
Accessing these filters is simple:
  • Navigate to the Contacts tab within your dashboard.
  • Click on the Filters option.
  • Select either "Last Email Clicked Date" or "Last Email Opened Date".
  • Choose your desired filter options to tailor your search criteria.
Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 1
Voila! Instantly access segmented contact lists tailored to your specific needs.
Please be aware that we will only store dates for new and upcoming email data subsequent to this release.