Guess what? The days of sneaky free access are officially over!
No more freeloaders, just pure premium content, right at your fingertips.
Pay. Play. Prosper. Your subscription, your rules!
Check out these sweet upgrades to our already top-notch payment flow!
  • Course creators now have the power to pull the plug—cancel the subscription, and access is instantly revoked!
  • Your subscription experience just got a sync upgrade! :notes: If it expires on the payments side, and it’s gone here - no loose ends!
  • Cancel from the Client Portal? Boom, access disappears like magic!

Here’s the scoop on our latest upgrades -

  • Custom Code added in a client portal will get executed in courses if and only if the client portal is enabled in the courses.
  • Custom code added in courses will not get executed in mobile devices (Kollab) for client portal enabled locations.
  • Custom code added in courses will get executed in legacy web, mobile browser and legacy PWA.