
  • New Payment methods available: For euro currency in stripe integration new payment methods of sepa debit , ideal & banconnect are now avaialble to make group and courses payments.
  • Paid course to free courses conversion: The issue of paid course not being converted into a free one is now fixed
  • Weekly subscription options: Weekly subscription option is now avaialble for group subscriptions too.
  • Group Status Change: Fixed the issue where users were not able to mark groups active/inactive.
  • New Groups not visible on builder side: Fixed Bug of newly created groups not visible immediately on builder side
  • Group List not refreshing: Fixed issue with group list not updating with change in location
  • Invite Via email flow fixes: Now user cannot re-accept the invite link, it will be expired after the user joins the group
  • Android Webview Issue fix: Fixed the issue where opening community magic link from another app didn't redirect the user properly to communities in mobile view.
  • Aspect ratio fixes: GIF, Attachment preview and thumbnails dimensions and aspect ratio fixes.