Funnels and Websites now has a powerful feature that allows you to effortlessly save drafts and publish various versions of your live funnels and websites. It's all about giving you more flexibility and control throughout the content creation and publishing journey.

Save Drafts

Now, you can create and save drafts of your funnels/websites before publishing. This feature enables a more iterative and collaborative content creation process. Your progress is safe, and you can come back to it later without impacting the live site.

How to use:

Start creating or editing your content as usual.

Use the "Save" option to save your work in progress as a new version.


Now you can choose which version of your funnel/website to publish to live sites. This ensures that only the finalized and approved content reaches your audience, minimizing the risk of errors and streamlining the publishing process.

Click "Publish" to make the chosen version live on your site.

Note: Publishing directly without saving will publish all the changes from the last published version. 

You can now attach a domain to the funnel when the page is published, even if the funnel is not initially connected to any domain.

If a funnel is not connected to any domain, on clicking publish, you will be prompted to attach a domain in the newly introduced domain attach popup in the builder. Once the domain is connected, the version will be published.


Access the "Versions" tab to view and manage different versions of your content.

Select any version of the page and publish it directly from the versions section without the need to restore it.

A new Live tag is displayed in the versions list, indicating the published version being served as the live site version.