Within the Email Builder, you may be using the RSS Header or RSS Item elements. These are files that are read easily by a computer (XML files) that automatically update information across sites. They are useful for blogs and other sites if you want to pull information from a site into an email.

Sometimes there can be an error with the RSS information showing as HTML, like this: <p> <div>  <img src = “  ” … when you want to show the article title, headline, image, etc. What this means is something has “escaped”. This is called “HTML-escaped”. For example, maybe you had the & symbol included in the original RSS feed, yet the output is &amp; This means the feed has converted to plain text.

To prevent or resolve the HTML-escaped issue, you can use the “triple bracket” to surround the title or feed, meaning {{{ instead of {{ on each side. Follow these quick steps below to learn how to resolve this issue:

  • Within the email builder, click on your RSS header or item element.
  • Once it’s highlighted with the box around the element, use the menu on the left-hand side to customize the RSS Editing Options.
  • From the dropdown, choose “custom”.
  • Edit the {{ to {{{
  • Save to confirm your changes.